Jon Clayton

MFPA Student Artist
Born: 1960
Lives in: Lincolnshire
Painting style: Mouth painter
Subjects: Landscapes and Religious themes
After lunch on 23rd June 1978 Jon Clayton was returning to his work as an apprentice mechanic when he was involved in a motorbike accident. Jon broke his neck in the accident, rendering him paralysed in all four limbs. He spent a year in the Spinal Unit of Wakefield Hospital where the Occupational Therapists suggested that he try painting but, put off by early attempts, Jon gave up on the idea.
However, a Christmas gift of a ‘painting-by-numbers’ set gave him another chance to try mouth painting again. This simple painting was an important turning point and from it - he continued to experiment with other mediums and taught himself to draw and paint using his mouth.
He was given a book about the lives’ and their art works of very special group of artists who belong to the M.F.P.A. These talented artists paint with either using their mouths or their feet. After reading this book and comparing their work to his own, he put the book away. Some years later by chance came upon an article in a magazine about the M.F.P.A. and he was encouraged to submit some paintings to the Association for evaluation, and was accepted as a student member in 1998.
Jon paints in his purpose-built studio in the garden of his home. With his specialised art equipment he likes to paint landscapes and is inspired to design and paint pictures with people and animals in the paintings.
‘When I joined the M.F.P.A. it was a major milestone in my life, it enabled me to further my artistic development and also gave me the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people who have experienced similar obstacles and difficulties while painting in our unique way’
Jon Clayton
A sample of Jonʼs work
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