Mouth Painter Reveals All In BBC Documentary About Her Extraordinary Life.
Titled “In My Own Words – Alison Lapper”, the BBC 1 documentary aired on 9th September 2024 and portrayed the powerful and emotional journey of the mouth painting artist’s life and the incredible challenges she had to face since she was born with a complex disability and shortly after, given away by her mother.

Totally uncompromising, the documentary presented a ‘warts and all’ story about the artist’s extraordinary life, which at times was unsettling and heartbreaking to watch. While openly confronting the many obstacles she experienced throughout her life and in particular the tragedy of losing her teenage son Parys to mental health and drug issues, the film also struck a good balance with the inclusion of moving and uplifting imagery referencing the positive aspects of Alison’s private and artistic career, that made for very compelling viewing.
If you missed this BBC documentary and would like to watch it in full click here:
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