English Mouth and Foot Painting Artist Exhibits at The Louvre in Paris
Hampshire based Mouth and Foot Painting Artist Tom Yendell was honoured to be recently asked to exhibit three of his original paintings at The Louvre in Paris. Serge Maudet the President of the Managing Board of the Worldwide Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (AMFPA) invited Tom to go over for the exhibition, to join him and three other AMFPA artists. Each artist chose three of their original artworks to display, and Tom chose an image called ‘Colourful Explosion’ an acrylic 1m x 1m, a painting on silk called ‘Silk Flowers’ and a pen and watercolour entitled ’Australian Wrap’.

The twice annual exhibition held in the Carroucel in The Louvre saw 320 artists from around the globe exhibiting in this years ‘Art Shopping’ event. Most of the artwork was contemporary, with every type of art medium on show.
Tom, who was born without arms due to the drug thalidomide being prescribed to his mother during pregnancy in the 1960’s, drove himself and his wife Lucy from his home in Hampshire. He was delighted to join forces with his fellow MFPA artists, Serge Maude, Arnaud Dubarre and Joseph Martins from France and Sarah Talbi from Belgium for the exhibition.

Tom enjoys experimenting with different paint media, using a variety of surfaces and materials and is well known for his silk painting artwork. With all the walls at the Louvre exhibition covered in a heavy cotton fabric, Tom also decided to try painting directly onto an area of the wall, to provide the visiting public with a ‘live’ demonstration of his mouth painting skills.
For more information please contact: Tom Yendell [email protected] Tel: (0044) 1420 887550
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